Friday, May 24, 2013

Meeting My New Nephew

After having some difficulties with my blog I am finally able to sit down and tell you about my new sweet nephew who was born May 14.

After getting the news that my sister-in-law was going to be induced at 8pm on May 13 my parents, Bubby G and I decided to head to Kansas that next morning to try and make it to the hospital in time for the birth.  Unfortunately, Mr. G and my brother and his wife had to stay behind to work, but the rest of us left at 8am on  a mission to get there in time.  We got a call around 3pm saying that my sister-in-law was still at 3cm so we slowed down a bit thinking we had plenty of time.  We received another call at 4pm saying that she was now 10 cm and pushing.  Luckily we were only 15 minutes away.  We arrived to the hospital at 4:15 and went straight to the labor and delivery floor.  This picture shows my dad, mom, Bubby G, and my sister-in-laws sister waiting outside of the room while my sister-in-law was pushing.  We could even hear my brother inside of the room was really neat.
Waiting patiently to hear that first cry.

And finally we did at 4:48pm.  My sister-in-laws mom came running out to tell us the good news.
A tears of joy hug by the two grandma's.  Talk about a neat moment.
Even this lil guy was excited to hear about his new baby cousin.

We gave the parents some time alone with their new lil one and then we got to go in to meet the precious baby boy for the first time.
He was absolutely perfect.
My brother and sister-in-law were ecstatic.

The nurse then took my nephew over to his lil bed to put goop in his eyes and to do few other things...
While that was going on Bubby G played on his uncle's lap.

 I love this picture of my sister-in-law and her grandma beaming down at the sweet baby boy.
And you try to tell me that there isn't a God.
Here's another of my favorites.  He's just staring up into his Nana's eyes....absolutely priceless.
The men were just sitting back, relaxing, and taking it all in.
Oh....and throw Bubby G into the mix.
A beautiful picture of the new Mama.
Bubby G was a lil stand-off-ish the first day but just wait....he definitely warms up.
Gampa finally got brave enough to hold his grandson.
The baby looks happy to me in his Gampa's arms.
I was able to then take a turn at holding him.  You forget how small they are....
We didn't stay too long that first day because we wanted the mom and dad to get some rest.  This is what we saw when we came to the hospital the next day.  Pretty sure this was the first time my brother ever put clothes on a newborn.  He was very careful.
But my nephew was very patient.  After my brother got done snapping the last teeny tiny button he looked up at the clock and said...."3 hours and 26 minutes later, I'm finally done."  My brother's a bit of an exaggerator.  He also told me that right after my nephew was born he looked up and said, "Hi, Dad."
We spent about an hour at the hospital visiting so thankfully I brought a bag full of toys for Bubby G to play with.
Surprisingly, though, Bubby G wanted to be around the baby most of the time.  He loved touching him...and thankfully he was really gentle.
I sure see a lot of my brother in this picture.
After the hospital we decided to take Bubby to the park and then to a cowboy place.  We got him a new lil cowboy hat and a horse....and he was in hog heaven.
Gampa snapped a quick picture of us with Bubby G sitting on a saddle that was on a lil wooden stand....turns out it wasn't meant to be sat on and we were lucky to get the picture before Bubby G about fell off the saddle.
On our third and final day in Kansas we ended up spending most of the day at my brothers house enjoying the baby and the company of these two sweet people.  They had to of been completely exhausted with just having the baby and not sleeping much...and yet they were so much fun to be around.
Here's the new dad.....doesn't my nephew just fit perfectly in his arms?
One of the cool things about sticking around in Kansas for a few days was that we got to see a lot of my nephew's his first bath.
He did such a good job.  It's funny because he absolutely loves his head being rubbed so his favorite part was getting his hair washed.
He also loves sticking his tongue out....I think he gets that from his dad.
 After the bath Bubby G wanted to show his cousin his new horse.
Not sure my nephew was interested much in the horse...but Bubby G sure thought he was doing a good thing by sharing.
One more sweet pic with Nana and her newest grandson.
Of course...we couldn't leave Kansas without Bubby G getting hurt.  Before we left he got tripped up running in his boots and his forehead hit the blacktop.  You can kind of see the bruise through his hair.  It's a week later and the poor guy still has a bruise on his forehead.
One last pic of us leaving our hotel with our bags packed.  Couldn't get the lil guy to smile for me....maybe it was because he knew we had a 7 hour drive in front of us.
We had a blast and I am so thankful that I got to tag along to Kansas to meet my nephew.  He is absolutely perfect and I know that my brother and sister-in-law are going to be fantastic parents.